It all started in 1974. I was 24 and recently married to my grade school sweetheart. It was a slow time for construction work, so I was laid off. I then came upon an opportunity to buy some water ice equipment. It consisted of a water ice machine, flavoring, sugar, cups, and some miscellaneous supplies all for $200.
Around the same time, I stumbled upon an old family Italian ice recipe. So I set up shop in the garage and got to work. I experimented over and over again, until I got the taste and consistency just right! So I did what any logical person would do, I
purchased a big old box truck from a buddy of mine, cut a window on the side, and started making and selling water ice up and down the streets of Tacony and Holmesburg in Northeast Philly. This is where Jerry’s Italian Water Ice was born.

Volpe's Original is now serving frozen coffee drinks!
Coffee, Mocha & Hazelnut.